Consorzio di bonifica Medio Astico Bacchiglione (now Consorzio di bonifica Alta Pianura Veneta)
Sarcedo (VI), Italy
Description of works:
- n. 1 Francis turbine with capacity 1200 l/s, head 19 m, power 250 kW
- MV/LV electrical equipment for installed power equal to 315 kVA
- 350 m of outlet pipe DN 1200 in steel
- building to house equipment
- turbine protection and by pass hydraulic valves
Nominal characteristics
Total plant capacity: 1200 l/s
Head: 19 m
Total installed power: 250 kW
The hydroelectric power station has been designed and implemented by minimizing the environmental impacts on watercourses, deriving directly from the existing irrigation pipelines already managed by the Client.
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