The intake of the Destra Piave Consortium, completed in 1925 is the result of a long battle waged by the tenacity of the writer Antonio Caccianiga and by his nephew lawyer Gino Caccianiga, founder of the Cassa di Risparmio della Marca Trevigiana,
who after years of struggles against the stubbornness of some landowners who did not want to build it, managed to obtain the approval of the work by the Government with a partial contribution.
The initial work consisted in the construction of a concrete anchorage anchored with a triple row of piles linked together, a concrete dam covered in rock, a drain callon and the actual intake building in which the derivation sluice gates
were inserted, for the irrigation of the canal called "Canale della Vittoria".
The derived water was use not only for irrigation but also for the power supply of two hydroelectric power plants obtained from the jumps on the Priula canal, subsequently transferred to the S.A.D.E. (now ENEL).
In 1954, following an agreement with the Adriatic Electricity Company, was built a new siphon crosspiece, with a diameter of 3.40 m, which made it possible to acquire a further 7 cubic meters/sec recovered from the Castelletto Nervesa canal,
bringing the maximum summer branch to a total of 26 cubic meters/sec.
In conjunction with these works, were also realize the two "Galileo" sluice gates for the best regulation of the derived water level.