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Hydroelectric plant at Scodellino mill

Construction of a hydroelectric plant at the Scodellino mill

Hydroelectric plant at Scodellino mill


Consorzio di bonifica Romagna Occidentale


Castel Bolognese (RA), Italy



Description of works:

-  no. 1 kaplan biregulatory turbine with capacity 800 l/s, head 3 m, power 20 kW
-  no. 1 inlet pipe DN 700 
-  no. 1 butterfly safety turbine valve DN 700
-  no. 1 radar level meter
-  no. 1 low voltage switchboard 
-  building in reinforced concrete to house equipment

Nominal characteristics

Total plant capacity: 800 l/s 
Head: 3 m
Total installed power: 20 kW


The Scodellino mill was one of the last mills to cease its activity. Even in the 90s of the last century it was inhabited by the daughter of the last miller.
One has reason to believe that its most ancient nucleus was already present and functioning in 1398. It is the only one to have survived preserving intact all the architectural features of the medieval era, even if intertwined with subsequent modifications and extensions. For the machines that are still preserved there, it constitutes a "relevant example" of industrial paleo-archeology.
After decades of neglect, the building of the mill was the subject of important restoration and structural recovery thanks to the contribution of the Municipality of Castel Bolognese, which is its owner and of the association of volunteers "friends of the Mill". The building and the appurtenances will be, in the intention of the Municipality, educational center and museum.
As part of the continuity of exploitation of the water jump, the hydroelectric plant was built, paying particular attention to the choice of the type of turbine, for the purposes of environmental and landscape mitigation, but without compromising performance and reduced management and maintenance costs.
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