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Monfalcone dry dock

Replacement of the basin emptying pumps, stations 1 and 2, complete with drainage pumps, located at the dry dock of Monfalcone

Monfalcone dry dock


Fincantieri S.p.A.


Monfalcone (GO), Italy



Description of works:

Main pumping station
-  no. 2 electric-pumps, each with capacity 600 l/s, head 10 m, power 110 kW in bronze/stainless steel
-  no. 1 electric-pump with capacity 60 l/s, head 12 m, power 15 kW in bronze/stainless steel
-  no. 1 motorized sluice gate DN 1200 PN 1,2 in stainless steel
-  no. 1 LV control switchboard
-  no. 1 automation and remote control system

Intermediate pumping station
-  no. 2 electric-pumps, each with capacity 2000 l/s, head 6,5 m, power 250 kW in bronze/stainless steel
-  no. 2 electric-pumps, each with capacity 600 l/s, head 10 m, power 110 kW in bronze/stainless steel
-  no. 2 electric-pumps, each with capacity 130 l/s, head 13 m, power 30 kW in bronze/stainless steel
-  no. 2 pipes DN 500
-  no. 2 pipes DN 1000
-  no. 3 motorized sluice gates DN 1200 PN 1,2 in stainless steel
-  no. 1 LV control switchboard
-  no. 1 automation and remote control system

Nominal characteristics

Total plant capacity: 6500 l/s - 6,5 mc/s
Head: 10 m
Total installed power: 1000 kW

Particular notes

The works of this project concern the modernization and the safety of the Monfalcone shipyard, one of the largest in Europe.

A bit of history...

Built in 1907, the shipyard went through the first and the second world wars under state control and is now part of the Fincantieri group, which builds merchant and cruise ships.
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