Azienda Speciale Consorziale Servizi Idrici Sile-Piave
Casale sul Sile (TV), Italy
Description of works:
- no. 3 electric-pumps, each with capacity 85 l/s, head 50 m, power 75 kW
- no. 2 manifolds DN 400
- MV/LV electrical equipment for a total installed power of 315 kVA
- no. 1 generating set of 250 kVA
- automation and remote control system
Nominal characteristics
Total plant capacity: 250 l/s
Head: 50 m
Total installed power: 225 kW
Particular notes
Energy saving with automatic shutdown and by-pass of the system when the upstream pressure (Lanzago) covers the needs of the network.
Aqueduct plant with regulated speed and piezometric derivation tower with hot reserve function in the event of a blackout.
Request information