Acque Vicentine S.p.A.
Barbarano Vicentino (VI), Italy
Description of works:
- no. 2 electric-pumps, each with capacity 2,9 l/s, head 80 m, power 4 kW
- set of pipes DN 150-100-80-65
- set of electronic meters
- no. 1 low voltage control switchboard
- no. 1 automation and remote control system
Nominal characteristics
Total plant capacity: 5,8 l/s
Head: 80 m
Total installed power: 8 kW
Particular notes
The plant represents a point of accumulation and relaunch, placed halfway up the hill, of the water raised by another station located downstream, to distribute water to domestic users located at the highest altitudes, otherwise difficult to reach
with a single system lifting.
The plant operates completely automatically, depending on the request of the user and the availability of guaranteed water from the valley, with remote supervision of the general system of the Manager.
The realization of the new accumulation tank, integrated with all the equipment needed for water distribution, is part of the general project to modernize and upgrade the southern area's drinking water distribution system in Vicenza’s province,
besides it integrates perfectly with the landscape of the hills of the Berica Riviera.
The well-finished realization of the new works has been made in close collaboration with the technical structure of the Manager, engaging the most modern technologies, in order to obtain a system, even if of limited dimensions, highly efficient,
with a refined and reliable management as well as of pleasant appearance.
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