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Pilastresi pumping station

Rehabilitation of the irrigation's water intake and new pumping station

Pilastresi pumping station


Consorzio della bonifica Burana


Bondeno (FE), Italy



Description of works:

-  no. 4 eclectric-pumps, each with capacity 3750 l/s, head 5,5 m, power 290 kW
-  no. 4 pipes DN 1400
-  no. 1 mitre lock gate 12x6 m
-  MV/LV electrical equipment for a total installed power of 1600 kVA
-  no. 1 air conditioning system
-  automation and remote control system

Nominal characteristics

Total plant capacity: 15000 l/s - 15 mc/s
Head: 5,5 m
Total installed power: 1160 kW

Particular notes

The purpose of the new pumping station is to create a hydraulic head at the main basin where the pumps of the  main pumping station draw water, favouring the correct work of the original pumps, during the Po’s low-water periods.
For this reason, the new pumps have been positioned directly in the river, at a reasonably sufficient depth for draw the water, even in critical periods; thus the raised water is direct to the historic pumping station through an artificial underground channel, parallel at the original one.
At the confluence of the two channels is positioned a mitre lock gate.


The "Pilastresi System", built in the early 1900s, represents an important hydraulic work. It’s main purpose: reclamation of the area south of the river Po and irrigation.
The heart of the system is represented by the original pumping station, which through the maneuvering of a series of sluice gates allows the withdrawal or introduction into the river of the water. This intervention became necessary over time due to the progressive lowering of the levels of the river Po, such as not to allow the correct operation of the original pumps in certain periods.
In a previous lot of works, Misa built another similar pumping station called the Pilastresi Subsidiary pumping station.
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