Consorzio della bonifica Parmense
Parma, Italy
Description of works:
- no. 3 electric-pumps with adjustable flow, each with capacity 3000 l/s, head 5,0 m, power 220 kW
- no. 3 pipes DN 1200 in galvanized steel
- automatic trashrack system
- MV/LV electrical equipment for a total installed power of 1000 kVA
- automation and remote control system
Nominale characteristics
Total plant capacity: 9000 l/s - 9 mc/s
Head: 5,0 m
Total installed power: 660 kW
Pumps with adjustable blades
Each pump is equipped with the technology of adjustable blades in operation.
This solution allows to reduced flow rates up to 50/60% of the nominal capacity and to keep unchanged the head, always with excellent performance.
Automatic adjustment of the blades depending on the growth of the level arriving from the hydraulic channel
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