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Vallenoncello pumping stations

Realization of no. 3 pumping stations to safeguard the town of Vallenoncello (Rugo di Valle - Rugo dei Cucchi - Rugo Noncello)

Vallenoncello pumping stations


Comune di Pordenone


Vallenoncello (PN), Italy



Description of works:

-   no. 2 electric-pumps, each with capacity 1500 l/s, head 6,4 m, power 160 kW
-   no. 2 pipes DN 1000
-   no. 4 electric-pumps, each with capacity 1250 l/s, head  5,35 m, power 110 kW
-   no. 4 pipes DN 800
-   no. 3 electric-pumps, each with capacity 500 l/s operated by agricultar tractor
-   no. 3 pipes DN 500
-   no. 3 motorized sluice gates 1,5x2 m
-   no. 1 generating set of 630 kVA
-   no. 2 generating sets of 500 kVA each
-   LV electrical equipment
-   no. 3 automation and remote control system
-   no. 3 video surveillance systems

Find out more about the remote control.

Nominal characteristics

Total plant capacity: 8000 l/s - 8 mc/s
Head: 5,35÷6,4 m
Total installed power: 760 kW


The three drainage pumping stations are part of a single drainage system, to defend a depressed area located south of the city of Pordenone.
Their activation is fundamental in that particular situations when the Noncello river, that crosses the city, is unable to receive the rainwater from the built-up area.

Particular notes

The use of the three drainage pumping stations result necessary only in particular conditions, after careful evaluation by the service in charge, activated by the Municipality of Pordenone.
Therefore, the design choice opted for an independent type of power supply, through autonomous generating sets, to be activated only in case of real need, avoiding constant unnecessarily expensive feeding commitments. Consequently, the start of the whole system is carried out by the aforementioned remotely service, even from a mobile phone.
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