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Jesolo pumping station

Supply of electric-pump at the Jesolo pumping station

Jesolo pumping station


Consorzio di bonifica Veneto Orientale


Jesolo (VE), Italy



Description of works:

-  no. 1 electric-pump with adjustable flow and capacity 10000 l/s, head 4,05 m, power 650 kW
-  no. 1 pipe DN 1900
-  MV/LV electrical equipment for a total installed power of 800 kVA
-  no. 1 generating set of 500 kVA
-  automation and remote control system

Nominal features

Total plant capacity: 10000 l/s - 10 mc/s
Head: 4,05 m
Total installed power: 650 kW

Pumps with adjustable blades

Each pump is equipped with the technology of adjustable blades in operation.
This solution allows to reduced flow rates up to 50/60% of the nominal capacity and to keep unchanged the head, always with excellent performance.

Particular notes

The electric-pump type Misa with capacity 10 mc/s and adjustable blades in operation, joins the old pumping station of the last century, allowing, in a single pump, the integration until 11 mc/s flow rate and, at the same time, the flow modulation up to minimum values of 4 mc/s.
This peculiarity, combined with an adequate automation system allows to pump exactly the inlet flow rate without level fluctuations and without discontinuity of operation.
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