Veritas S.p.A.
Mestre (VE), Italy
Description of works:
- no. 2 electric-pumps, with adjustable flow, each with capacity 6000 l/s, head 3,9 m, power 315 kW
- no. 2 pipes DN 1600
- no. 1 series of stop logs 7000x4000 mm
- no. 1 lifting beam
- no. 1 generating set of 2000 kVA
- no. 1 generating set of 1000 kVA
- MV/LV electrical equipment for a total installed power of 4800 kVA
- automation and remote control system
Nominal characteristics (of the two pumps installed)
Total plant capacity: 12000 l/s - 12 mc/s
Head: 3,9 m
Total installed power: 630 kW
Pumps with adjustable blades
Each pump is equipped with the technology of adjustable blades in operation.
This solution allows to reduced flow rates up to 50/60% of the nominal capacity and to keep unchanged the head, always with excellent performance.
Particular notes
Automatic adjustment of the blades depending on the growth of the level arriving from the hydraulic channel.
The Cà Emiliani pumping station represents the point of confluence of the mixed sewerage network of the Zelarino, Gazzera, Chirignago, Marghera and Mestre Sud basins.
Thanks to the upgrading completed in 2010, it has taken on a total capacity of 30 mc/s.
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