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Colombarola pumping station

Modernization of the Colombarola pumping station - New electric-pump

Colombarola pumping station


Consorzio di bonifica Garda Chiese


Ponti sul Mincio (MN), Italy


2013 + 2018

Description of works:

-  no. 1 electric-pump with capacity 670 l/s, head 90 m, power 800 kW  
-  no. 1 electric-pump with capacity 520 l/s, head 80 m, power 500 kW
-  no. 1 inverter with a maximum power of 700 kW
-  automation and remote control system

Nominal characteristics

Total plant capacity: 1190 l/s 
Head: 90 m
Total installed power: 1300 kW

Particular notes

The activity carried out concerned the modernization of the irrigation system, by replacing two pumps.
Particular attention was paid to improving energy efficiency, as well as managing the irrigation system, using particularly high-performance pumps and extremely sophisticated control systems, for better exploitation of the water resource.


The pumping station, which uses water taken from the Mincio river, is an important distribution system for irrigation water resources, serving a strategic agricultural area, located in the southern part of Lake Garda.
Given the high management costs of a plant of this capacity, the activity was directed towards a significant improvement in the efficiency and management of the system.
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