Consorzio di bonifica Pianura di Ferrara
Pontelagoscuro (FE), Italy
2012 - 2013
Description of works:
- no. 5 electric-pumps, each with capacity 4000 l/s, head 3,8 mt, power 315 kW
- no. 5 pipes DN 1500
- no. 1 sluice gate 4,6x3,0 m
- no. 2 sluice gates 4,0x3,0 m hydrostatic head 7 m
- automation and remote control system
Nominal characteristics
Total plant capacity: 12000+8000 l/s - 12+8 mc/s
Head: 3,8 m
Total installed power: 1600 kW
Particular notes
» Irrigation and drainage operation with regulation sluice gates.
» Pumping station with double potentiality: drainage towards the Po river and irrigation towards the Boicelli canal.
» Sluice gate opening and closing system to allow operation of both pumping systems.
Request information