Acque del Chiampo S.p.A.
Arzignano (VI), Italy
Description of works:
- no. 6 sluice gates 1,5x1,5, 3 sides sealed, in AISI 316Ti
- no. 9 mixers support facilities in AISI 316Ti
- set of carpentry accessory in AISI 316Ti
Nominal characteristics
Underground tank dimensions: 7,5x110x12 (h) m
Capacity in transit: 9000 mc/h
Installed power: 40 kW
Particular notes
The purpose of the works was to improve the functionality of the system and increase the durability of the equipment.
The works were carried out in just 10 days, with the use of personnel trained to intervene in a confined space inside an underground tank of dimensions 7,50x110x12(h) m.
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