C.A.I.B.T. S.p.A.
San Vito al Tagliamento (PN), Italy
2002 / 2012
Description of works:
- no. 3 electric-pumps, each with capacity 400 l/s, head 95 m, power 600 kW (summer period - high tourist turnout)
- no. 2 electric-pumps, each with capacity 150 l/s, head 50 m, power 132 kW (winter period)
- no. 2 manifolds DN 600
- no. 1 generating set of 640 kVA
- MV/LV electrical equipment for a total installed power of 2400 kVA
- automation and remote control system
Nominal characteristics
Total plant capacity: 1200 l/s - 1,2 mc/s
Head: 95 m
Total installed power: 2000 kW
Particular notes
Over time the distribution system has been the subject of continuous expansion and modernization with the addition and replacement of pumps and equipment, with the aim of keeping it always fully efficient and at the forefront of management, with
equipment always technologically updated.
The historic drinking water establishment of Savorgnano represents an important supply plant, by collecting from the rich aquifer of the area, accumulating it with a suitable disinfection system, and distributing it to different south-east inhabited
areas of Pordenone up to the Adriatic coast.
The acqueduct is particularly strategic for the area served and therefore particularly well managed.
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