Consorzio di bonifica della Romagna Occidentale
Faenza (RA), Italy
Description of works:
- no. 5 electric-pumps (1 as reserve), each with capacity 155 l/s, head 85 m, power 200 kW
- no. 1 electric-pump electric-pump 40 l/s, head 85 m, power 55 kW
- no. 1 manifold DN 600
- MV/LV electrical equipment for a total installed power of 1260 kVA
- automation and remote control system
- no. 1 anti-water hammer device da 16 mc
Nominal characteristics
Total plant capacity: 660 l/s - 0,66 mc/s
Head: 85 m
Total installed power: 855 kW
Particular notes
The set of pumps supplied is dedicated to the distribution of water in the surrounding area, with a dedicated pressure network. The operation is completely automated and monitored by a remote supervision center.
The pumping station represents one of the different local distribution systems of the water withdrawn by the CER channel.
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