Consorzio di bonifica Burana
Mirandola (MO), Italy
Description of works:
- no. 3 electric-pumps, each with capacity 150 l/s, head 85 m, power 200 kW
- no. 1 manifold DN 500
- MV/LV electrical equipment for a total installed power of 800 kVA
- automation control system
- anti-water hammer device of 8 mc
Nominal characteristics
Total plant capacity: 450 l/s
Head: 85 m
Total installed power: 600 kW
Particular notes
New pumping station designed to fully replace the pre-existing irrigation distribution system, with an extremely simple but effective architecture, equipped with hydraulic components positioned completely outside and a single compact prefabricated
structure, for containing electrical power and control equipment.
The new pumping station, built in very short times following the earthquake that hit the Emilia region, represented a concrete and immediate response to the needs of the farms hit by the seismic event right at the doors of the new production
The entire system was designed with the ambition of creating a system that is quick to install, more immune to possible further seismic events and more performing.
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