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Conza hydroelectric power plant

Concession aimed at the design, the construction and the management of plants for the hydroelectric exploitation of hydraulic head on the infrastructures managed by EIPLI and in particular the lot relating to the Conza dam

Conza hydroelectric power plant


EIPLI Ente per lo sviluppo dell'irrigazione e la trasformazione fondiaria in Puglia, Lucania ed Irpinia 


Artificial lake of Conza, Avellino, Italy


2020 (under construction)

Description of works:

-  no. 2 kaplan turbines 1800 l/s - 12 m - 248 kW
-  no. 2 butterfly safety turbine valves DN 800 PN 10
-  no. 2 “Larner Johnson” plunger valves DN 1500 PN 10
-  no. 2 hydraulic power units 
-  no. 1 LV electrical control and automation switchboard 
-  no. 1 MV electrical switchboard with transformers 630 kVA
-  prefabricated electrical substation and connections up to Enel delivery 

Nominal characteristics

Total plant capacity: 3600 l/s
Head: 12 m
Total installed power: 500 kW

A bit of history...

The Conza dam was built by the Irrigation Development and Land Transformation Authority in Puglia, Lucania and Irpinia, which still manages the works.
Practices are underway for the final test of the dam which will allow to reach the maximum capacity foreseen for the reservoir, equal to 435 m a.s.l.
The reservoir on the back of the dam has a capacity of approximately 64 million cubic meters, with the possibility of regulating up to 90 million cubic meters.
The retained waters are intended for drinking and irrigation use; for the latter is foreseen the return of the water in the river bed of the Ofanto downstream of the dam and the subsequent collection near the Traversa of Santa Venere followed by the derivation works.
Overall the Ofanto aqueduct consists of:
- Intake work of the dam
- Pipeline  of adduction of raw water to the water purification plant
- Water purification plant
- Storage tank 
- Gravity pipeline to Canosa
The planned works will allow to treat an average capacity of 1 mc/sec, or an annual volume of 31.5 Mmc to taken from the Conza reservoir; in order to have the necessary elasticity in operation and to allow the effective treatment of the indicated water volume (31.5 Mmc), it was also envisaged that the derivation works of the dam and the individual treatment stations of the plant are proportionate for the flow rate of 1.8 mc/s.
The maximum flow rate of 3.6 mc/s is reached during the irrigation season.
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