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Traiano pumping station

Supply of electric-pump and revision of other pumps

Traiano pumping station


Aeroporti di Roma S.p.A.


Fiumicino-Rome, Italy



Description of works:

Replacement of an old obsolete pump with a new one with the following characteristics:
-  no. 1 electric-pump with adjustable blades, with capacity 2000 l/s, head 3,45 m, power 250 kW
Adjustment of MV/LV electrical equipment for installed power equal to 1600 kVA
Revision of the following pumps:
-  no. 1 pump, with capacity 500 l/s, head 6,15 m, power 45 kW, overhauled in 2019
-  no. 1 pump, with capacity 5000 l/s, head 6,72 m, power 440 kW, overhaul in 2020
-  no. 1 pump, with capacity 3100 l/s, head 6,72 m, power 294 kW, overhaul in 2020
-  no. 1 pump, with capacity 680 l/s, head 6,30 m, power 55 kW, overhaul in 2020

Nominal characteristics (old pumping station)

Total plant capacity: 11.000 l/s - 11 mc/s
Head: >6 m
Total installed power: 940 kW

Pumps with adjustable blades

The new pump is equipped with the technology of adjustable blades in operation.
This solution allows to reduced flow rates up to 50/60% of the nominal capacity and to keep unchanged the head, always with excellent performance.


The "Leonardo da Vinci" Intercontinental airport of Rome occupies a vast area with average altitudes lower than those of the Tevere river which flows along the south side of the airport itself. 
The Traiano pumping station has the task, together with two other pumping stations, to drain the airport area from the rainwaters by lifting and discharging them into the Tevere river.
The pumping station is suitable for lifting over 11,000 l/s of water at heads greater than 6 meters for a total installed power of 940 kW using no. 5 vertical axis helical pumps. 
The pumps are of different sizes in order to satisfy all the conditions of water flow which are considerably variable.
Automatic adjustment of the blades depending on the growth of the water level arriving from the airport runway.
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